Aircraft Agency Portal

Aircraft Agency Portal


Clilent’s company working on providing and managing all of the flights logs, Users management, sales, accounting and many more activities to ensure smoother and faster data processing to overall manage the airport and different logs improving the overall performance of the agency


Our Administration Facility wanted to create a portal for them to manage our fleets, Time Sheets, Sales , Services, Aircrafts, Fleet Logs, Fuel Consumption, Accounting And Many More. They wanted to create all of the above mentioned tasks on a single platform.

Airplane agency will manage and run all of the abovementioned tasks and to add or remove new old logs or crafts and many more.

The main goal of developing the portal was to make ease in keeping the logs and all the data expenditure of fuel, time, money and many more.


The Main Challenges which were faced during the development of the portal were

  • Inefficient route planning.

  • High fuel costs.
  • Vehicle maintenance problems.
  • Lack of real-time tracking.
  • Compliance issues.


The development of the portal has been done in three phases. In the first phase of the development, we created the portal and created the overall functionalities. In the second phase, we redid the modifications that were required and made some functionality changes in integration with API’s and third-party applications. In the third phase of the development, we have set up the new and needed functionalities and updates required by our clients. We have created a portal for the agency to keep all of the data on a single platform. We have implemented our experience in developing the portal. We have added all of the requirements and needs of the clients and their management on a single platform. We have added many options on the portal to keep track of the users, fleets aircraft data and many more. On a Single Platform.

Our Portal will help the management and admin to have an overview and to keep track of all the relevant information this will lead them to

Cost cutting



 Sales Cost

Increasing user efficiency

Keeping track of the fleet logs,

Adding and removing aircraft

Template Designs and Many More.

Phase 2:- Phase 2 of development we have implemented different functionalities like

Adding functionality for the clients to upload the file and providing essential permissions

Providing status of amount input if receipt is not available at the moment

Added the MX log functionality

Also we have made some changes that were developed in phase one and some modifications to the previously developed buttons

Phase 3:-   After a thorough discussion and completing the phase one and two we have started implementing phase 3. we have developed the following tasks

First, we have integrated the sales inbound to populate CRM’s inbound request tab seamlessly

Then we have developed

Automated Arrival Time Calculation

Direct Contract Sending via Docusign

CRM User Support Chat

Calendar Reminders

Task due Date Modification

Master Aircraft Calendar

Crew Rotation Schedule Tab

Crew Document Compliance Tab

Technologies Used:-

We have used PHP as our developing language for the Dynamic Portal creation

We have used SQL as our database for keeping and storing and processing all of the relevant information through the portal



Our team of developers has applied their experience in developing this portal and has excellently worked on developing this project and providing you with the resulting output.

We have developed a fleet management portal for the agency to keep store and manage all of the requirements on the portal whilst also improving their performance and increasing their production and output processing.