


Client’s company is working to create comprehensive treatment plans that address all of patient’s oral needs quickly, efficiently, and in one place, saving you time and money with an innovative brand of proactive care. At company their philosophy proactively addresses dental symptoms with a superior diagnostic approach, cutting-edge technology, and a treatment planning philosophy that creates unparalleled results for their patients. Get ready to go from scheduling reactive dental visits to enjoying a prolonged sense of proactive oral wellness. 


Needs to work on the integration of their medical application with the Zoho to sync patient details. Medical history, insurance, appointments, etc.

  • Integration for sending contracts for signature to the user via mail. From the Zoho application
  • Integration with different social media platforms
  • Setting up zoho recruit for recruitment
  • Wanted to integrate the system with twilio for making phone calls and SMS


The Main Challenges which were faced during the development of the portal were

  • Twilio Flows Development
  •  Landing Pages From Zapier to integrate with WhatConvert, Zoho CRM, and GOOGLE ADS. 


We developed an environment for the team to automatically sync the data from the Care Stack to the Zoho CRM and integrated Twilio with the CRM for attending calls, SMS, email notifications, and documents sending for signatures. We created different environments for the different scopes of development, integrated them with each other, and brought them on a single platform for easy use. And we were reducing complex manual work.

The Main parts we covered during the development of the healthcare portal were 

  • Two Way Integration With the CareStack(Medical application) with the Zoho CRM to Sync Patients, Medical History, Insurance, Appointments, etc.
  • Using Zapier help them to create Landing pages for the websites and integrate them with the WhatConvert, Zoho CRM, and Google Ads.
  • Integration with the Zoho Sign and Zoho CRM to send Contracts for Signing with Patients.
  • Integration with the Meta and other Social Media Platforms.
  • Zoho CRM Integration with the Custom Patient Portal where patients can Schedule appointments, contact Doctors, Billing, etc.
  • Help them to set up Zoho Recruit for the Recruitment
  • Integrated Zoho CRM with Twilio to make Phone calls and Send SMS.
  • Created Flows and IVR menu in the Twilio for calling.
  • Set up Zoho Desk.
  • Migrated all the Data from the Zendesk to Zoho Desk.
  • Migrated all the Data from Google Drive to Zoho Workdrive.

Technologies Used:-

We have used ZOHO CRM for data collections syncing, managing contacts, creating new deals, creating templates, automation, functionalities. Also other ZOHO applications for different usage like Zoho signature for documents sending for signature. ZOHO Analytics for reports and many more.  Used TWILIO for ongoing calls. SMS, workflows for call management redirecting calls Used Zapier for creating integration between different applications and bringing all applications and their functionality in sync and on a single platform


We have developed an environment for the healthcare system and we have integrated all of the systems required by the business for improving allover performance of the healthcare system. We developed integration of the applications with each other and improves performances of the system and reaching more patients and covering most of the tasks and reducing most of the hassled work.